4 Simple Strategies to Help You Generate Leads Online

The initial goal of your business website is to get you in front of more eyes and attract visitors. But if those visitors aren’t becoming new leads, your website is only doing half of its job. It may be time for an overhaul.

When it comes to interacting with the internet, users are more sophisticated than ever before. They’re also impatient. Your website has very little time to convert visitors before they’re gone and looking at your competitors.

Not to worry. There are a number of things you can do to remedy the situation. Making some changes and adding a few new features will help your website generate leads online like it never has before.

Let’s look at four strategies you need to consider.

1. Call Tracking

When you know where your phone calls are coming from, it gives you a good idea of what’s working and what’s not. You may be asking yourself how this relates to your website. Good question.

By setting up different landing pages on your site with unique phone numbers, you can determine which sources resulted in more calls. You can set up landing pages for different products and even relate these landing pages to a specific geographic location.

You can also record your calls with a call tracking service and monitor your lead quality.

2. Analyze Traffic Effectively

If you aren’t properly analyzing the traffic to your website, you won’t know what’s working and what needs to be improved.

For example, let’s say most of your leads came from social media and almost none came from blogs that you’re spending time producing. This tells you that social media is a big generator for you and that your blogs aren’t working. It may be time to either spend more time on social media marketing or change your blogging approach.

Either way, if you aren’t closely looking at your traffic, this information is passing you by.

3. A Good Call to Action

In order to generate leads online, it’s crucial your website has a good call to action. Fortunately, there are a number of helpful tactics you can employ.

Make sure that call to action buttons are on all the important landing pages. These buttons guide visitors to either purchase your product or contact you. Use text like “Learn More Now” or “Sign up Today” to initiate a connection between you and the customer.

It’s also good to provide clear contact information throughout the site along with a contact form so a potential client can easily email you.

4. Testimonials and Reviews

Bringing customer testimonials and reviews to your visitors is a great way to establish yourself as a trusted business. When they feel a sense of trust right away, they’re more likely to become leads.

Online reviews are now very influential in people’s buying decisions. Consider adding a dedicated page of testimonials to your site. Also, make sure your social media account includes them.

Along with testimonials, mention any type of business awards or accreditations you’ve received.

Generate Leads Online and Grow Your Business

It’s important to remember that if you neglect your website, it will eventually go stale and leads will drop off. Always look for new approaches and refine your website based on what’s working and what’s not. The four tips above are a good start to achieving better lead generation for future growth.

Studio98 provides a full range of online marketing services. Contact us today to get started.