Don’t Be Defined By Mediocrity

One of the things as an Account Rep that I come across is a client showing me a competitor’s site or a site of someone in their industry that they like or want to be like.

This can serve as a good and a bad thing.

The good of this is that we as designers and account reps can see what your industry standards are and also see what your competitors may not be doing well, that we can improve upon for your site. The bad of this is sometimes a client can get bogged down by the mediocrity and not-so-good sites of their industry.

When a client comes to us to design their new website they are trusting us to create something amazing for them. Sometimes they are the first in their industry or circle of competitors who have taken that leap. It’s sometimes scary to trust and branch out on something that everyone else may not be doing, but in the end we are going to be here as a company to guide you to produce something that looks phenomenal and works great.

When we are creating a Showcase for a client we are going to take into account the industry standards on length, functionality, looks, etc but we are also going to create something that is fantastic and that sets you apart from the crowd. That’s what it means to have a Showcase versus just a website.

We understand that it may be hard to be the leader and do something that is a bit different but in reality that is exactly what your Showcase is intended to do. It’s to put you leaps and bounds above the crowd and have something that when your clients or visitors see it, they will think “WOW”.

In conclusion when working on your custom Showcase don’t let yourself be defined by the mediocrity of the sites your competitors or others in the industry may have. Instead allow us to guide you in creating an amazing Showcase that will make you an industry standard rather than following in someone else’s footsteps.