How Does Responsive Design Affect Search Engine Optimization?

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of the term “responsive design”. Responsive design is a way to ensure your website is easily viewable on a variety of mobile devices. Did you know that responsive design also affects where your site appears in the search results on Google?

If you are trying to get your site to appear higher in the search results, it’s important to know what Google says about how responsive design affects those results

Google has stated that responsive web design is an industry best practice. This means that if you have a regular website and a mobile version, you may end up being ranked lower than someone who has one website with a responsive design. This is because with a responsive design, all of the visitors are using the same site. This is more user friendly than having two separate sites for different devices.

The important principle to remember is: Usable sites rank better – (and responsive sites are more usable.)

Having a responsive site is important for many reasons, one of which is that it can also improve your search rankings.