3 Steps to Turn Your Lead Generation Process into A Winning Strategy

Is your business following an organized and result-oriented lead generation strategy? Doing so can improve the results of your marketing efforts and ultimately lead to increase in sales.

In a recent inbound marketing survey by Ascend2, 59% of the respondents said that lack of a winning strategy and the creation of relevant content are the main obstacles to reaching their desired inbound marketing goals.

For a lead generation strategy to win clients, it must accomplish these three goals:

1. Identify and understand your leads.

2. Educate your customers on the quality, value, and uniqueness of your products/services.

3. Create and distribute content that will position you as a leader.

While there is no laid-down formula to earn this win, there are steps you can take to improve your marketing efforts. Here are the three steps to turn your lead generation process into a winning strategy.

1. Set your Goals and Objectives

Setting goals for your business can help you to determine where you want it to be in the long run.

Besides, what is not measured is not managed. By setting goals, you’ll be able to evaluate your business performance against the targets and take adequate measures to address the gaps.

An important factor in assessing your future goals is to look at the past performance. For example, if in the past you have been getting around 150 customers a month, a good projection would be 400 customers per month.

After you’ve set your goals, the next thing would be to evaluate your past marketing efforts. This should help you determine which marketing campaigns to launch in the future, and the estimated cost required to meet those goals.

2. Plan it Out

Now that you’ve already set your goals, list the actions needed to achieve those goals.

Possible actions could be optimizing your blog for SEO, leveraging the power of social media on high-performing campaigns, spending more on paid campaigns, increasing content outreach through email marketing among others.

It is at this stage that you brainstorm premium content ideas.

Blogging is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and provide useful information. Gated content, for example, can go a long way to helping you understand your customers better, and can also help you create detailed buyer personas.

3. Nurture your Leads

You know your goals, who you want to reach, and what means to get you there. The remaining piece is how to convert leads to customers.

To turn your lead generation process into a winning strategy, you’ll need to add a more convincing voice to your content. For the leads that are not ready to convert to sales, enter them into a compelling lead nurturing campaign.

Some of these prospects will still be in the research phase, trying to figure out whether your products will solve their problems. An astute move here would be to educate and engage them more through promotional offers and valuable content.

Here are some lead generation tips to help you create an effective lead nurturing campaign.

  • Include powerful calls to action on all content types.
  • Maintain a personal voice in email, social media, and other forms of communication to build and nurture the lead relationship.
  • Use a content map to determine the content type to provide to each type of lead.

By providing targeted content and maintaining a good relationship with your prospects, you’ll have walked with them through the journey that leads to sales.

Wrapping Up on Lead Generation Process that Wins Clients

The process of generating and nurturing quality leads is a cycle that does not end when a lead converts into a customer.

A successful lead generation process has measures in place to ensure that leads keep going through the sales cycle without being lost or going back to the nurturing stage.

If you want your marketing efforts to bear fruits, we can be your best helpers. Contact us for more information.