Bad Website Design: Avoid These 5 Common Website Design Mistakes

At this moment, there are 1.91 billion websites online. That number is growing every second.

What does that mean for your business? It means that there is little room for error when it comes to your website’s design.

Because let’s face it, with the number of choices people have on the internet today, there is nothing stopping somebody from hitting that “back button” on their browser and working with one of your competitors.

Factors that lead to “bad website design” can be a moving target. Fortunately, though, there are some core website design no-no’s your business can focus on avoiding that can skyrocket your web presence and increase your site’s conversion rates.

Below are some of the primary website design service faux pas to watch out for.

1. Your Website Loads Slow

We live in an age of immediacy that’s made worse by the fact that internet user’s attention spans are at an all-time low. That reality gives way to the fact that if your site is taking longer than 3 seconds to load, people are going to bounce off of it.

To increase your website’s speed, first, leverage Google’s Page Speed Tool to see if your site is loading slow and where improvements can be made. Then, DIY implement Google’s suggested fixes or work with a professional to get your site up to par.

2. Your Site Isn’t Mobile Friendly

Mobile devices are accessing the internet more and more every day. In a few years, mobile device internet access will surpass that of traditional computers on a global scale.

Make sure your website isn’t alienating what will soon be (if it’s not already) the majority of your consumer base by creating a mobile-friendly site now.

3. Your Website Has Social Media Icons At Its Top

Social media icons at the top of sites have been a popular fixture among many businesses for years. That being said, we can’t recommend the practice.

With social media links prominently displayed at the top of your site, you’re inviting visitors to navigate away from your page the moment they arrive. Since that’s the last thing you want, consider moving your social icons to your website’s bottom.

4. Your Website Doesn’t Use Proper Formatting

Writing for the web is different than writing for print.

When writing for the web, you’ll need short 2-3 sentence paragraphs and sections that are clearly broken up by “H” tags. If you don’t format your web content correctly, users won’t stick around to read your content and search engines will have a hard time crawling your site.

5. You Don’t Leverage Call to Actions

Rounding out our bad website design mistakes is lack of call to actions.

Every page on your website should have a purpose. For most, that purpose will be to steer users towards your business’ products and services.

So, if you have blog posts or other content pieces on your site that don’t ask readers to engage with you on a deeper level by the time they’re done reading, you need to fix that now.

Wrapping Up Bad Website Design Mistakes to Avoid

There you have it! 5 common and deadly website design mistakes businesses small and large alike make.

To ensure that your website is doing everything it can to bolster your organization’s bottom line, we recommend fixing your site if any of the bad website design mistakes we’ve flagged are present on your site.

Want help maximizing your website’s effectiveness? If so, our team can help.

From website design services to SEO and beyond, our team at Studio 98 has what you need.

Schedule your free digital strategy session with us today!