Maintaining and Managing Large and Complex Websites

Defining a “large” and “complex” website can be challenging due to the varied nature of digital landscapes. For the purpose of this article, we’ll focus on websites that are both content-heavy and experience high traffic volumes. These digital behemoths are not just larger in scale but complex in their needs, ranging from hosting demands to dynamic content management.

At Studio98, we have the privilege of managing various client accounts, overseeing sites that span thousands of pages filled with rich content. These sites not only attract high traffic but also command substantial bandwidth, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for optimization.

In this article, I’m excited to share some of the successful strategies we’ve employed over the years to keep our larger sites well-maintained and efficiently managed. From ensuring robust hosting solutions to implementing regular software updates, and prioritizing site security, each tip is a piece of the puzzle in managing the complexities of a high-traffic website. Join me as we explore how to navigate these challenges, ensuring your site remains a powerful, reliable asset for your audience and your business.

Reliable Hosting Solutions

Choosing the right hosting solution is paramount for managing large and complex websites. High-traffic sites require robust, scalable, and secure hosting environments. Look for providers that offer dedicated or cloud hosting services designed to handle significant volumes of traffic and data. These services should also provide automatic scaling to accommodate traffic spikes without downtime. Additionally, consider hosting options that offer integrated content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve site load times for users worldwide.

We’ve previously had incidents where we hosted large-scale websites in shared-hosting plans and we started experiencing high server loads and resources being used up too quickly, because these resources were being shared with several other sites it caused issues for all the others.

We discovered hosting solutions that managed cloud-based servers as well as dedicated servers for our clients. This greatly improved performances for our sites.

There are so many great hosting providers out there like the following

Regular Software Updates

Keeping your website’s software up to date is crucial for both security and performance. This includes updating the core content management system (CMS), plugins, and any third-party integrations regularly. Software updates often contain patches for security vulnerabilities, improvements to performance, and new features that can enhance the user experience. Establish a routine maintenance schedule to ensure updates are applied promptly, reducing the risk of security breaches and maintaining optimal site performance.

We worked out a plan at Studio98 to receive notifications whenever our sites detects the need for urgent software updates. There are so many great tools in the market to make this possible, even some of the hosting solutions can provide this for you.

Here are some tools we’ve used over time.

Site Security

Large websites are attractive targets for cyber attacks, making stringent security measures a necessity. Implement comprehensive security strategies, including the use of SSL certificates for encrypted connections, regular security audits, and the installation of security plugins or extensions designed to thwart attacks. Employing a web application firewall (WAF) can also protect against common threats, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Educate your team on security best practices and establish protocols for responding to potential security incidents.

Performance Optimization

A fast-loading website enhances user experience and contributes to higher search engine rankings. Performance optimization techniques include optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and utilizing asynchronous loading for non-essential resources. Regularly monitor your site’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix, and address any issues that could slow down your site. Implementing lazy loading for images and videos can also significantly improve page load times, especially for content-heavy pages.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Having a reliable backup and disaster recovery plan is essential for large websites. Automate your backup processes to ensure that you have recent copies of your website data, including files and databases. Store backups in a secure, off-site location to protect against data loss from hardware failures, cyber attacks, or natural disasters. Establish a clear disaster recovery plan that outlines steps to restore your website quickly and efficiently in the event of an outage, minimizing downtime and the impact on your users and business operations.

In my career, I have been witness to entire databases being completely erased, whether it was due to hack, client hack, or in very cases developer mistakes. I’ve also been witness to these incidents with and without disaster recoveries. I’m sure you could imagine that it doesn’t reflect well if you had no disaster recovery.

Downtime Urgency

At Studio98 we treat downtimes with huge urgency, and so should anyone else. Especially if your website attracts so much traffic. When you have a site that attracts large amount of visitors, it normally means the “website is your business.” So you can imagine if your site had to go down for a few minutes, or god-forbid, hours. But regardless of the size or scope of website, we treat all downtimes with the same priority.
It’s vital that you set up downtime alerts for all of your websites.

Here are great tools we’ve used to monitor downtime alerts.


Maintaining and managing large, complex websites requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses hosting, software updates, security, performance, and disaster recovery. Implementing these strategies ensures that your site remains secure, efficient, and capable of handling high volumes of traffic. A well-maintained website provides a better experience for users and supports your business goals by maintaining high availability and reliability.

With years of experience in hosting and supporting large, sophisticated websites, Studio98 is uniquely positioned to help your business meet its online potential. Our team is dedicated to providing the infrastructure, security, and performance optimization your site needs to thrive in a competitive digital landscape. If you’re looking for expert assistance in managing your website, we invite you to contact us. Together, we can ensure your website serves as a robust foundation for your business’s online presence.

Here at Studio98 we have partnered with Google Cloud to ensure that your websites are given the best possible hosting solutions.

If you have any questions, or like to schedule a call with Kaeio, click here