Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website

custom web developer

There exists a correlation between SEO traffic and mobile-friendliness that most site owners have no idea about. While a staggering 72% of marketers would describe content creation as the most effective SEO tactic, an average mobile phone user reads 25% more than a desktop user when on the internet.

After the Mobilegeddon phenomenon first brought to light in 2015, it seems absolutely wrong for any website owner to disregard custom web designs for smartphone compatibility. Indeed, the sweeping wave of smartphones has ushered in a new age where content is more prone to capture the eye of a phone user than a computer user. What’s more, almost 60% of all internet traffic comes from smartphones; need we say more?

If you haven’t jumped onto the mobile-friendliness bandwagon yet, here are a few reasons why you may want to do so as soon as possible.

Google’s Ranking System

In 2015, Google announced that it had adopted mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor for websites on its search engine. While there’s always been a debate on whether Google’s choice to factor in mobile-friendliness to make the search engine convenient for mobile users had any impact on search engine results, there is overwhelming evidence that suggests that mobile compatibility is a vital part of Google’s algorithm. This explains why many professional SEO firms are shifting focus onto their custom web designs to accommodate the smartphone user.

Your Money Is Going Down the Drain

Most of us understand how frustrating a website that is not mobile-friendly can be. You first have to zoom in to read through anything. If an image is too small, you have to expand it with your fingers to see it. Do this just a millimeter more, and your image spills out of your screen. And don’t get us started on those links you press accidentally. All of this is pretty overwhelming for a bit of information.

So even if you spend thousands on your custom web designs and hire premium SEO services from the best of the best, no mobile user will spend more than three seconds on your site if it isn’t mobile-friendly. So if you plan to attract more traffic or broaden your customer base to a mobile base then going mobile-friendly is your only option.

People Shop on Their Phones These Days

It’s no surprise that people tend to shop more on their phones today. With social media’s aggressive advertising, most people will first catch wind of a product or service through Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, which they’ll most likely access through their phones. What most folks would do next is to check the product’s reviews online and maybe make a purchase after that. Imagine having to do all that on your ordinary site while your competitor has a custom web design that works seamlessly with phones. We all know who the loser will be.

It’s the Future

Smartphones are here to stay, so if you thought mobile-friendliness is a passing tide, then your thoughts couldn’t be further from the truth. All indicators point to a thriving future for smartphones, which has many companies and websites in high gear. To capitalize on this untapped traffic channel to drive your SEO, consider seeking web design services from professional SEO firms that can optimize your web page for mobile platforms. Doing so will give you an edge over your rivals who are less likely to have caught on to the smartphone trend.

In conclusion

There’s no other way around it, mobile-friendliness for websites is becoming more of a necessity than a luxury for any site owner, especially since the upward trend of mobile internet users is bound to increase significantly after the introduction of 5G. Luckily, 5G technology will translate to more website capabilities, so you can enhance your custom web designs to do so much more.

Before tweaking your website to be more mobile-friendly, it’s always advisable to consult an SEO web design company to help you through the entire process.