Voice Search Optimization Tips For Small Businesses

optimize for search engines

If you’ve ever used Siri to find out information on your behalf or relied on Alexa to play some music you like, you already understand how compelling voice-powered search can be. But you might not realize that in order to optimize for search engines in 2021, you need to factor voice search into the equation.

The number of mobile search users was expected to reach 221 million last year, so you probably know how important mobile-friendly websites and optimizations are. But because mobile users are also most likely to use voice-powered search features, you’ll do well to consider voice search engine optimization as part of your digital marketing strategy.

When you optimize a website for voice search, you’ll need to take a slightly different approach. With that in mind, the following tips can help you optimize for search engines in ways that are well-aligned with how consumers use voice search every day.

Focus on Local SEO

You might have already chosen to optimize your website for local traffic. That makes a lot of sense if you have a small, independent business that depends on customers within your immediate area. It’s also a good strategy if you’re trying to appeal to those who perform voice-powered searches. Most people who use voice search functions are looking for solutions nearby, so Google is more likely to display businesses and websites within a certain proximity when voice searches are performed. By devoting even more of your efforts to hyper-local optimizations, you’ll be more likely to show up in voice search results.

Create an FAQ Page

Agencies that provide SEO services will inform you that the way we use voice search differs a bit from traditional web searches. When we type in a search query on our computers, we tend to use only a few important words and hope that Google will understand our meaning. But when we use voice-powered search, it’s a lot more conversational. We’ll usually speak in complete sentences and will often create queries in question form. It makes sense, then, that you’d want to have an FAQ page on your website that accurately asks and answers these kinds of questions. Do some research and find out how voice searchers are formatting their queries. Then, you can optimize for search engines that are driven by voice search functionality.

Keep It Simple

As mentioned above, voice searches tend to be a lot more casual. When creating content for your blog or selecting keywords, you’ll want to take the conversational approach. When in doubt, keep things simple. Opt for concise sentences and natural language. Many experts advise writing with an eighth-grade reading level in mind. Since users of voice search are likely to want quick answers, don’t keep them in suspense!

Prioritize Mobile User Experience

Although some desktop operating systems do offer voice-powered search options, the majority of those who use voice to search the internet will be mobile users. As such, you’ll want to make sure your website provides a stellar mobile experience. By speeding up your site, eliminating obtrusive pop-ups, making sure your site is secure, and offering easy site navigation to mobile users, you’ll be in a better position to appeal to those using voice-powered search, as well. Google won’t be likely to reward your site if it doesn’t provide a good mobile experience — and since mobile consumers have a lot of buying power, it’s within your best interests to focus on this anyway.

If you’re looking to optimize for search engines in 2021, you can’t forget about voice search SEO. To learn more about our SEO services and how they can increase your brand visibility this year, please contact our team today.